Kaala Vichara- How time was calculated previously
Presented below is an overview of kAla (Time) as defined in Srimad harikatha amRuta sAra, collected from discourses of Sri Bannanje Govinda Acharya and thro emails..
The following is a detailed description of kaala w.r.t. mAnavAs, dEvatAs & brahma
kAla vichAra of mAnavAs
5 kShaNas = 1 truti
50 trutis = 1 lava
2 lavas = 1 nimiSha
8 nimiShas = 1 mAtra
2 mAtrAs = 1 guru
10 gurus = 1 prANa
6 prANAs = 1 paLa
60 paLas = 1 ghatika (ghaLige)
30 ghatikAs = half day (12 hrs.)
60 ghatikAs = 1 day (24 hours) {So, 1 ghaLige = 24 minutes}
15 days = 1 paksha
2 pakShAs = 1 mAsa (month)
2 mAsAs = 1 Rutu
3 Rutus = 1 ayana
2 ayanAs = 1 varsha (year)
360 Man days = 1 Man year
kAla vichAra of dEvatAs
360 Man days = 1 dEvata day
360 Man years = 1 dEvata year = 129,600 Man days
kAla vichAra of chaturyugAs
Note: DY => dEvata year
MY => Man year
kRuta Yuga = 4,800 DY = 1,728,000 MY
trEta Yuga = 3,600 DY = 1,296,000 MY
dwApara Yuga = 2,400 DY = 864,000 MY
kali Yuga = 1,200 DY = 432,000 MY
Total 12,000 DY = 4,320,000 MY
kAla vichAra of brahma dEvaru
1 Chaturyuga (4 yugas) = 1 divya yuga or 1 mahA yuga
1000 divya yugAs = 1 hagalu (day-time) of brahma dEvaru
2000 divya yugAs = 1 full day of brahma dEvaru (1 dina kalpa)
4,320,000,000 MY = half day of brahma dEvaru
8,640,000,000 MY = 1 day of brahma dEvaru (dina kalpa)
30 Days of brahma dEvaru = 1 month of brahma dEvaru
360 days of brahma dEvaru = 1 year of brahma dEvaru
100 years of brahma dEvaru = 1 brahma kalpa = lifetime of brahma dEvaru
The thirty Dina Kalpas of Brahma are:
(1) shvEtavarAha,
(2) nIlalOhita,
(3) vAmadEva,
(4) gathantara,
(5) raurava,
(6) prANa,
(7) bRuhat,
(8) kandarpa,
(9) sadyOtha,
(10) EshaNa,
(11) dhyAna,
(12) sArasvata,
(13) udAna,
(14) garuda,
(15) kaurma,
(16) narasimha,
(17) samAdhi,
(18) agnEya,
(19) vishnuja,
(20) saura,
(21) sOma,
(22) bhAvana,
(23) supuma,
(24) vaikunta,
(25) archisha,
(26) vAli,
(27) vairAja,
(28) gauri,
(29) mahEshwara,
(30) paitra.
kAla vichAra of manvantarAs
brahma dEvA's hagalu (half day) is considered to be shRuShTi kAla.
brahma dEvA's rAtri (remaining half) is considered to be praLaya kAla (Dina Pralaya).
brahma dEvA's hagalu is sub-divided among 14 manUs & they are referred to as manvantarAs.
manUs are adhipatIs of these manvantaras.
The following is the list of manus in serial order
(i) svAyambhuva Manu
(ii) svArOchisha Manu
(iii) uttama Manu
(iv) tApasa Manu
(v) raivata Manu
(vi) chAkshusha Manu
(vii) vaivasvata Manu
(viii) sAvarNi Manu
(ix) dakshasAvarNi Manu
(x) brahma-sAvarNi Manu
(xi) dharma-sAvarNi Manu
(xii) rRudra-sAvarNi Manu
(xiii) dEva-sAvarNi Manu
(xiv) indra-sAvarNi Manu
We are currently in vaivasvata manvantara, shvEtavarAha kalpa, 28th mahAyuga, kaliyuga, 5110th year
10 gurus = 1 prANa
6 prANAs = 1 paLa
60 paLas = 1 ghatika (ghaLige)
60 ghatikAs = 1 day (24 hours) {So, 1 ghaLige = 24 minutes}
Therefore, 1 day = 60 *60*6 =21, 600 pranas. One prana equals one hamsa mantra for Sri Vayu devaru. (Ref HKAS: Aru mUreraDondu sAvira nUreraDu sata shwasa japa gaLa.......)
An interesting point, I had heard from Sri BG acharya's pravachanas long time back: some yogis are known to have lived upto 150 or even 200 years. The reason is they were able to control, the pranas. From the point of view of Brahma, a person's ayus is decided NOT by "days" (in terms of time between 2 sunrises) but by pranas . However, we lesser mortals are not able to control this prana and hence 21600 pranas are *almost* co terminous with a day (time between 2 sun rises). The yogis were able to do 21600 pranas (by pranayama :) )in a larger time span, say 28 hours, or 36 hours or more. This automatically leads to a ayurmana of more than 100 years (as normally calculated).
It was an excellent way of explaining this concept, so logically by BG !!
6 prANAs = 1 paLa
60 paLas = 1 ghatika (ghaLige)
60 ghatikAs = 1 day (24 hours) {So, 1 ghaLige = 24 minutes}
Therefore, 1 day = 60 *60*6 =21, 600 pranas. One prana equals one hamsa mantra for Sri Vayu devaru. (Ref HKAS: Aru mUreraDondu sAvira nUreraDu sata shwasa japa gaLa.......)
An interesting point, I had heard from Sri BG acharya's pravachanas long time back: some yogis are known to have lived upto 150 or even 200 years. The reason is they were able to control, the pranas. From the point of view of Brahma, a person's ayus is decided NOT by "days" (in terms of time between 2 sunrises) but by pranas . However, we lesser mortals are not able to control this prana and hence 21600 pranas are *almost* co terminous with a day (time between 2 sun rises). The yogis were able to do 21600 pranas (by pranayama :) )in a larger time span, say 28 hours, or 36 hours or more. This automatically leads to a ayurmana of more than 100 years (as normally calculated).
It was an excellent way of explaining this concept, so logically by BG !!
2 doubts [:)]
1) As per these calculations... when will Kalki avataara take place on earth?2) recently every news channel was shouting that the earth will end in 2012 as per the Mayan Philosphy, Quran and Vedic(?) references
Hare Srinivasa1) As per these calculations... when will Kalki avataara take place on earth?
As far as I know and heard, Kalki Avatara will take place during the sandhi kaala between Kali Yuga and Satya/Krita Yuga since Lord Hari has made a sankalpa that he doesnt have an avatAra in KaliYuga..I maybe wrong here..
2) recently every news channel was shouting that the earth will end in 2012 as per the Mayan Philosphy, Quran and Vedic(?) references How true is this? they said that in those days the earths rtation ws slower than today hence the D-Day was calculated at a later date, but now since the rotation hs become faster the same calculation by the Sadhu's and Yogi's point towards 2012...
I dont have anything to say regarding Mayan philosophy or Quran. As far as i know thers no vedic references which says that the world will end in 2012. And even if ppl present the vedic proof i blv the interpretation is distorted since no major schools of thought blv that the world will end by 2012..
there is no need to think about when the world is going to the dooms day. evey day millions die, others are born. the media creates a hype when it lacks any juicy news. no acharya bothers about when this world ends. let us think how to make the best use of today granted by Sri Hari.
According kaala vichara of Manvantara it has been said that Brahma dEvara hagalu dina is divided into 14 manvantara. Question is this Brahma dEvara hagalu dina divided equally into 14 manvantaras ? If yes, then how the current maha yuga is 28.
Since Brahma dEvara hagalu dina = 1000 maha yugas and we are already in vaivasvatha manvantara indicating that we are in the middle of the hagalu dina (roughly around 500 maha yuga).
On the other hand, If each manvantara period varies, then the dictation of current maha yuga as 28 seems logical.
Dear Mr Suresha
Your doubt is genuine. Actually, when we say 28th mahayuga it means 28th mahayuga from the start of Vaivasvata manvantara, and not from the beginning of Brahma's day.
As you said, Brahma devara day-time consists of 1000 mahayugas. These mahayugas are divided into 14 manvantaras. So each manvantara consists of about 71 mahayugas. So Vaivasvata manvantara also has 71 mahayugas, out of which we are in the 28th.
I hope it is now clear.
Thank you
Dear Balachandra Achar
Thanks for your explaination that got cleared my doubt. Also got cleared my doubt from the Sankalpa mantra " Sri Shubhe shobhane muhurthe.... vaivasvatha manvantare ASTAVIMSHATHI TAME (28th) Kaliyuge".
Can you please clarify the foloowing also.
It has been mentioned in the HKS that we are in 52nd brahma's year. What this mean?
a) Are we in the 52nd Bhahma dina kalpa meaning 2000*52 maha yugas have elapsed?
b) Are we in the 52nd brahma kalpa year meaning 2000*360*52 maha yugas have elapsed?
My belief is that we are in the option (b) as mentioned above.
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